The fine weather is still holding. We are on our way to
Neumayer (the main German base). We took a quick stop onto South Thule island
which is the southern most South Sandwich island, it forms half of an inactive
volcanic crator. There is the ruins of an Argentinian base, when the Falklands
war started, the British government evacuated the base then blew it up as the
South Sandwich islands are also British territory. Today South Thule is covered
in penguins, elephant and fur seals. We also did some mapping of the sea floor
to send to the Hydrographic office so they can update the charts of the area.
Bergy bit with Iceberg in background
South Thule Island
South Thule
Daylight over the horizon
Tabular berg
Bird, Growler and Iceberg
On Monday we passed the 60°S latitude, that is the Antarctic
treaty limit and the official line of where Antarctica starts. There is an
abundance of whales and birds also lots of icebergs, bergy bits and growlers
which keep us busy on the bridge.