Monday 21 November 2011

Day 18

  Fire fighting equipment

  BA sets

I spent this morning on deck. First job was to check all the lashings on the cargo, tightening any that needed it.  Next came pressure washing the deck to remove the salt in preparation for paint. At 1030, we had a fire drill. The alarm sounded and I mustered on the bridge with the rest of Bravo fire team. I donned the fire suit and breathing apparatus and made my way to the chain locker where smoke had been seen. It turned out not to be a fire but the motorman had been welding and collapsed due to lack of oxygen, so the job was to extract him safely using the stretcher and block and tackle.
As I’m now on watch with the 3rd officer, his other job on board is safety officer. As part of his monthly planned maintenance we checked the breathing apparatus/fire fighting equipment, tank rescue equipment for defects and recharge the air bottles.

Current Posn approx. 23° 40' N 019° 30' W

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt,you will never believe mum here.Read all your diary blogs looks great.I am sure you are loving it.Jealous you were sunbathing yesterday.Weather as always here heavy rain.Kat posted your link to my friend Lyn's fb until I get my laptop.I will enjoy following your journey.Sky very comfy lying in your bed lol.Talk soon will keep in touch luv mum x
